1)First of all, who are Baloches? What can you tell us about the origins of Baloches and where they live geographically?
Historians hold different perspectives about origin of Baloch People, The Recently published Book of Naseer Dashti “The Baloch and Balochistan” can be utilized as a good reference book, “History of Balochistan Part 1& 2” By Gull Khan Naseer and Many other Writers have shed light on Baloch origin and History.
Currently Baloch live in South Western Province of Pakistan named Balochistan, and the bordering areas of Sindh and Punjab Provinces of Pakistan. The estimated Population of Baloch in Pakistan is more than 10 million. Nearly two million Baloch live in Zahedan Province of Iran and 1 million in Afghanistan. An overwhelming number of Baloch people live in Oman, Bahrain, UAE and Saudi arabia, where they are known as Al-Baushi. Presence of Baloch in Europe and Kenya are also noticeable.
2)Balochistan is subdivided between 3 states similar to Kurdistan. Can you tell us about situations in each part of Balochistan? Does the struggle in each part progress in the same line? Do all parts have same demands, or not?
Not only indigenous Baloch dwelling in Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan want liberation and the country of their own, but the unabated tyranny and oppression of Pakistan and Iran also motivated the Baloch living worldwide, perticularly Europe, Oman and UAE to struggle for the country they lost first in the hands of Britishers and then to Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. Baloch political workers in exile and social media activists have managed to bring awareness among the Baloch Diaspora about the long lasting grievances of their brothers and sisters living in Balochistan. Still there is lot to be done, and we request our kurdish brothers and sisters to raise their voice in every possible forum.
Baloch struggle in Pakistan has a history of 65 years i.e since the unnatural state pakistan came into bieng in 1947, though Balochistan was invaded in march 1948 by brutal force after withdrawal of British forces, since then the Baloch has fought 4 wars and 5th one is in progress, therefore camparing to Iranian part, the momentum of Baloch movement in Pakistan is higher than that of Iran. Nonetheless a low level insurgency is lingering in Iranian Province of Zahidan, where thousands of Baloch youth has been hanged and killed by iranian forces. Brutalities of Pakistan and Iran are enormous, and Baloch are practicaly slaves in both countries, Basic Human Right are violated everyday, Since 2005, estimated 14500 Baloch have gone missing and more than 500 mutilated bodies has been recovered from different parts of Pakistani occupied Balochistan, among victims are political workers, Intelectuals, Lawyers, Students, Poets, Folk Singers, Farmers and almost people from all walks of life. Some Famous leaders like 80 year old Akbar Bugti and Balaach Marri were targetted openly with the help of Gunships, Jets and Chemical weapons. The situation in Iranian occupied Balochistan is not much different, every voice raised for Baloch is bieng shut forever by legitimizing their death by court oders. It should be noted that Death penalty rate in Iran is highest in the whole world.Baloch grievances in Afghanistan are much less, Afghan Governments atleast recognized Baloch as a different nation with different language and culture, as the official language of the Baloch majority provinces in Afghanistan is Balochi. Moreover Afghanistan has always accomodated the Baloch Refugees from Pakistani occupied Balochistan.
3) Going in to more detail, what can you tell us about the workings of the struggle in Balochistan? There are several organisations at hand as far as we know, can you tell us about them?
Baloch has been active in both Political and armed front, Political parties in Pakistani occupied Balchistan Like Baloch Republican Party (BRP) headed by Brahumdagh Bugti (operating from switzerland where he took political asylum), he is the Grandson of Martyr Akbar Bugti, Baloch National Movement (BNM) headed By Khalil Baloch, the follower of Martyr Ghullam Mohammad, Baloch National Voice (BNV) the followers of Martyr Balaach Marri are politically active in bringing awareness among Baloch masses. These political parties are known as non-parliamentarians as they dont believe in political process of Pakistan, they have always boycott state managed elections and openly defy ever institution of Pakistan.
Moreover the Voice for Baloch Missing Person (VBMP) and its Interational wing the International Voice for Baloch Missing person (IVBMP) is actively taking part to mobilise domestic and international community to bring awareness about the seriousness of Issue of Baloch that have been abducted in broad day light infront of countless vitnesses by the rogue Pakistani State. Also the Baloch Patriotic Leader Hyrbiyar Marri who is living in exile in London is leaving no stone unturned to mobilise europian community for the support of Baloch Struggle. Mehran Baloch who is brother of Hyrbiar marri and Brother in law of BRP president Brahumdagh Bugti is representing Balochistan and Baloch People in Unite Nation HR council and has been vocal in countless council sessions of HR bodies. He has successfully presented the Baloch Movement Internationally.

The Struggle of Baloch Student Organization Azad (BSO-A) has been remarkable for decades, Many leaders and intelectuals that we see today were once members of BSO-A, a visionary platform that has produced educated youth comitted to Baloch cause. Dr. Allah Nazar who is leading Baloch armed resistant group named Baloch Liberation Front (BLF) was once chairman of BSO-A. Members of this organization has bled for their mother land Balochistan on political as well as on armed front. Baloch Republican Student Organization (BRSO) is also a platform for students, that is believed to be the student wing of Baloch Republican Party (BRP).
Furthermore, Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC) is highligting the serious Human Rights Violation and abuses in Balochistan and the attrocities and state terrorism of Pakistan Internationally.
All Political parties and Organization are working in a close co-ordination and their biggest achievment is that they have managed to convince majority of Baloch masses that the only solution of Baloch problem is emancipation and gaining back their status of Independent Nation. It is because of their hard work that Turn out in State manipulated election has declined drastically and with time more and more Baloch are joining the Struggle for Independence. Their Sacrifices for Nation have become motivation and inspiration for Baloch people that has changed the ideology of free and fair election to total independence. US congressional hearing on Balochistan, The Resolution in US Congress regarding Baloch Right to Independence and visit of United Nations Working Group on Enforced and involuntary Disappearances in Balochistan are the milestones that Baloch Struggle has achieved so far.

4)The Baloch nation and Kurdish nation have common historical background, as well as similar fates when we look at them today viewed from your perspective, how does the Kurdistan struggle appear? What do you suggest that can be done to improve our relationship with one another?

The Kurd and Baloch Leaders and Their International Diaspora need to develop a close working relation and this can be achieved through a Common Kurd-Baloch Forum, where they can interact and know eachother better. We share a common Blood Line with almost same culture, similar languages, Majority of us share even the same religion. We think that such close interaction will not only build a close working relation in order to help eachother but it will generate a strong ties between two nations in the future.
5)Do you foresee a status change for Balochistan in the near future? What are your expectations?
Pakistan has been playing havoc with human Rights and international peace since its creation, and its crimes has gone unnoticed in the past. Because of Electronic and Social Media it is now impossible for pakistan to conceal her heinous crimes. By now the world know about the crimes that she has comitted. Moreover the energy war leading to the changing scenario of south asia after the invasion US and NATO forces in Afghanistan and the deep sea ports and natural resources of Balochistan has earned has a leverage. Its upon Baloch people to use this leverage wisely in order gain confidence of international powers. We think that we have earned the trust of civilised world, and world leaders are now starting to believe that a secular Independent Balochistan can contribute to the betterment of the Global Village. We are very hopefull because of decades of long struggle of Baloch people, the sacrifices they have given for their mother land and the efforts they have made to make the civilized world believe that world will be a better place with Independent Balochistan on its map.
Asif Baloch
Twitter: https://twitter.com/qambarbugti
interview in Turkish http://welatekurdan.blogspot.com/2012/12/asif-baloch-roportaj.html
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